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The Zigzox 31 special in June

Ready for a new challenge with a great prize? In June, we're giving away a pair of headphones exclusively for all players of 31! Simply win 50 games of the game to be automatically entered into the draw.

The more wins, the better your chances! So, play along, show off your skills and be there when we draw the winner!


Brand new at ZigZox: ZoX Poker

After the old sea bear Torffy complained that there is still no singleplayer game available here, I quickly built ZoX Poker in the last few days.

When you play, you initially enter your stake in ZoX, which is then available to you in arbitrarily dosed parts for the poker game.

When you leave the game, the current ZoX on the credit side will be credited back to your ZoX account.

Errors and suggestions as always happy to wuenschdirwas[ätt]zigzox.com. Have fun!


Glad you're here

Welcome to ZigZox, your ultimate gaming platform for unlimited fun! Discover a diverse selection of entertaining games such as "31", "Zog-Zog", "Fröggel", "Poker" and experience the fascination of card games, the art of dice rolling and exciting competitions with thrilling prizes. The best thing about it? Everything at ZigZox is free! Challenge your friends, compete with other players and enjoy hours of fun.

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